In the night sky of the southern hemisphere, one of the brightest and most famous the constellation of Scorpio. Its curved shape, reminiscent of a stinging scorpion, has fascinated and frightened people for centuries.
Since ancient times, different cultures have associated Scorpius with myths and legends. In Greek mythology, Scorpius was sent by the goddess Artemis to kill the hunter Orion, who boasted he would surpass her in hunting – after the deaths of Orion and Scorpius, the goddess Hera, wife of Zeus, placed them both in the sky, where they remain to this day on opposite sides, never to meet again.
In ancient Egyptian culture, Scorpius was associated with the goddess Selket, the protector of scorpions and a guardian against evil. She was depicted with the body of a scorpion and a human head.
In astrology, Scorpius is the zodiac’s eighth sign, associated with passion, intensity, mystery, and determination.
Also read: What Is Known About the Orion Constellation
The Most Famous Stars of the Constellation of Scorpio
Among the stars that twinkle in the night sky, the constellation of Scorpio stands out not only for its clear shape resembling a venomous creature but also for its incredibly beautiful and bright stars.
The most famous of these is undoubtedly Antares. This red giant, the 16th brightest star in the sky, impresses with its size. Its diameter is 700 times that of the sun, and its brightness surpasses the sun’s by 9000 times. Thanks to its red hue and glow, Antares is unmistakable among other stars.
The second brightest star in Scorpius is Shaula. Its location at the end of the “stinger” of the scorpion makes it an integral part of the constellation’s image. Shaula shines with a white color and is slightly dimmer than Antares but remains one of the most noticeable stars in the night sky.
No less interesting is Zeta Scorpii. This double star visually splits into two stars, white and yellow, making it look like a shining diamond earring.
Thus, this constellation boasts not only a picturesque shape but also incredibly beautiful and bright stars, each with its unique history and features.
The Constellation of Scorpio – Photos
The Scorpio’s constellation is one of the most recognizable and mystical constellations in the night sky, attracting with its bright stellar composition and appearance reminiscent of a scorpion. In this constellation is Antares, one of the brightest stars in the sky, serving as the “heart” of the scorpion. For a deeper visual perception, check out photos of the constellation of Scorpio.

How to Find the Constellation of Scorpio
The constellation of Scorpio is one of the most famous and beautiful in the night sky. It is easy to find thanks to the bright star Antares and its characteristic curved shape.
Using the Star Antares
Antares is the brightest star in Scorpius. It is easily distinguished by its red hue. In mid-latitudes, Antares will be in the south at its highest point above the horizon (culmination). To find the constellation, first locate Virgo, then move your gaze southeast through Libra. Antares will be slightly higher than Libra.

In southern latitudes, Antares will be high above the horizon. Look for it in the southern part of the sky.
By the Shape of the Constellation
Scorpius has a characteristic curved shape, reminiscent of a scorpion’s stinger. The tail of Scorpius is a chain of stars extending from Antares. The stinger of Scorpius is the star Shaula (λ Scorpii) at the end of the tail. The body of Scorpius is a group of stars connecting the tail and the stinger.
14 Interesting Facts About the Constellation of Scorpio
In this section, we have prepared 14 fascinating facts about the constellation of Scorpius, revealing its scientific and historical significance.

- Legendary Constellation. Scorpius is one of the most famous constellations mentioned in the mythologies of various cultures. According to Greek myth, the scorpion killed the giant Orion, for which the goddess Hera placed it in the sky.
- Bright Stars. Scorpius contains 15 stars visible to the naked eye, four of which are of the first magnitude. The brightest star in the constellation and the 16th brightest in the night sky is Antares, a red supergiant with a diameter 700 times larger than the sun.
- Zodiac Sign. Scorpius is one of the 12 zodiac constellations, associated with October 23 – November 21.
- Spectacular View. Scorpius is best seen in the summer in southern latitudes.
- Asterisms. The constellation contains several asterisms – visual groups of stars forming figures. The most famous are the “Scorpion’s Stinger” and “Cat’s Eyes.”
- Globular Star Clusters. Scorpius contains two globular star clusters – dense clusters of thousands of stars visible as faint spots to the naked eye.
- Discovery. In 1752, French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille discovered 12 stars in the constellation of Scorpius.
- Location. Scorpius is located between the constellations of Libra and Sagittarius.
- Nearest Star System. The closest star system to the sun, Proxima Centauri, is located in the constellation of Scorpius.
- Cultural Impact. Scorpius is depicted on the flags and coats of arms of many countries.
- Symbolism. Scorpius symbolizes death, rebirth, strength, mystery, and jealousy.
- In Astrology. It is believed that people born under the sign of Scorpius are passionate, determined, and secretive.
- In Astronomy. Scorpius is one of the most studied constellations.
- Historical Role. Scorpius has been used for navigation by sailors for centuries.
The constellation of Scorpio can be found in the sky during the summer period. It is usually visible in the southern part of the sky, close to the north. To search for it, you can use astronomical apps or star maps.
Scorpio’s constellation highlights such bright stars as Antares (the brightest star in the constellation), Betelgeuse, Delta Scorpii, and others.
The Scorpio’s constellation has the shape of a scorpion silhouette with a curved “tail-like” part and long “claws.” This impression can be obtained by looking closely at the arrangement of the stars in the constellation.
Photos of the constellation of Scorpio can be found on various astronomical resources, including observatory websites, space agencies, astronomical forums, and social media, where astrophotographers share their images.
In ancient myths, the constellation of Scorpio is associated with death and treachery due to its association with the deadly poison of a scorpion. Antares, the brightest star in the constellation, has a red color and is called “Antares” because of its resemblance to Mars.